Helgen 28.-30. oktober dro Bellystars - Siri Ydstie, Monica Eikenes, Margrethe Røijen og Catherine Ydstie, til Stockholm, for å danse på Layali Oriental Dance Festival http://www.layali.se/
Helgens stoooooooooore stjerner var Jillina fra USA, Dud Muurmand fra Danmark og Manca Pavli fra Slovakia.
Det var kurs hele helgen (også fredag og mandag), hafla i studio på fredag kveld med opptreden av elever og lærere ved Layali studio og stor show lørdag kveld på kulturhuset Dieselverkstaden.
Det kjente og kjære Dieselverkstaden i Sickla - vi tok taxi fra hotellet dit, (følte ikke for å ta bane/buss iført full scenesminke) men taxisjåføren visste ikke hvor det var. Han kom seg utover mot Sickla, et stykke utenfor sentrum av Stockholm, men så var han ganske lost, helt til Siri gjorde han oppmerksom på skiltene med Dieselverkstaden på. Burde vel egentlig fått litt rabatt på den turen vel?
Showet var meeeget bra (selvom salen var halvfull). Foruten superstjernene og oss (Bellystars) opptrådte bla Layalis egen showgruppe med flere dansenumre og ulike dansestiler, Siri danset et solonummer og gruppa Enkidu fra Gøteborg danset flere innslag, bla en irakisk dans - fantastiske rytmer og fantastisk dans!
Etter showet var det fnising og skravling og skifting backstage, og jammen kom ikke et tv-team (tror det var irakisk tv) for å få et intervju - ikke med meg, men jeg klarte å trampe inn midt foran kamera midt i et av intervjuene (blir vel klipt bort).
Ferdigskifta, men iført full make-up vinket vi farvel til de andre og spaserte ut i natten i Sickla for å ta en taxi tilbake til hotellet. Lettere sagt en gjort! Vi oppdaget fort at dette var et utkantområde uten noen taxiholdeplass eller ledige taxier i nærheten. Etter høylydt banning og trasking langs vegen passerte en opptatt taxi oss, Siri fikk memorert nummeret som sto på bildøren og jeg ringte opp for å få de til å redde oss fra utkanten. På taxisentralen ble jeg møtt av en særdeles uhøflig mann som påsto at han måtte ha en spesifikk gateadresse for å sende en taxi, enda jeg kunne fortelle hvilket veikryss vi befant oss i, "presis bredvid en rondell (rundkjøring)". Etter å ha utvekslet uhøfligheter på våre respektive språk slang vi begge på røret og bannet på våre respektive språk. Men det kom jammen en taxi etter ti min og hentet oss og fraktet oss tilbake til sivilisasjonen.
Jeg klarte å mase meg til at vi skulle finne en pub og drikke en øl, hvilket de andre gikk med på - dog uten den heelt store entusiasmen.
Så bar det tilbake til hotell Norrtullen for sminkefjerning og bulgur-salat på rommet.
Bellystar Catherine
The weekend 28. - 30.th of october Bellystars - Siri Ydstie, Monica Eikenes, Margrete Røijen and Catherine Ydstie, went to Stockholm, to dance at Layali Oriental Dance Festival www.layali.se
This festivals big stars were Jillina from USA, Dud Muurmand from Denmark and Manca Pavli from Slovakia.
There were workshops the whole weekend (including Friday and Monday), Hafla in the studio on Friday evening with performances by students and teachers at Layali facility and a great show Saturday night at a theatre called Dieselverkstaden.
The not so well known theatre Dieselverkstaden in Sickla - we took a taxi from the hotel to get there (did not take rail / bus wearing full stage makeup), but the taxi driver did not know where it was. He came out towards Sickla, a bit outside the center of Stockholm, but he was quite lost, until Siri made him aware of the signs with Dieselverkstaden printed in big letters. Should we not really gotten a bit off the trip, right?
The show was marvellous (although it was far from sold out). Besides the superstars and us (Bellystars), Layalis own showgroup performed several dance numbers and different dance styles, Siri danced a solo and a group, named Enkidu from Gothenburg, danced several dances, amongst them an Iraqi dance - great rhythm and wonderful dance!
After the show there was giggling and chatter and changing backstage, and a television crew(think it was Iraqi TV) came to get an interview. Not with me, but I managed to stomp into the center front of the camera in the middle of one of the interviews (will probably be cut away).
Done with the changing, but still wearing full make-up, we waved goodbye to the others and walked out into the night in Sickla to take a taxi back to the hotel. Easier said than done! We soon discovered that this was a rural area with no taxi rank or vacant taxis nearby. After swearing loudly and walking along the road a busy taxi passed by. Siri memorized the number that was on the door and I rang up to get them to save us from the outskirts. On the phone I was greeted by a very rude man who claimed that he had to have a specific street address to send a taxi, even though I could tell which junction we found ourselves in, "precisely next to a roundabout." Having exchanged rudeness in our respective languages we both hung up still cursing in our respective languages. But surprise, surprise - a taxi came after ten minutes and brought us back to civilization.
I managed to persuade the others that we should find a pub and drink a beer, to which they agreed - but without enthusiasm.
Afterwards we went back to the hotel Norrtull for makeup removal and bulgur salad eating in the room.
Helgens stoooooooooore stjerner var Jillina fra USA, Dud Muurmand fra Danmark og Manca Pavli fra Slovakia.
Det var kurs hele helgen (også fredag og mandag), hafla i studio på fredag kveld med opptreden av elever og lærere ved Layali studio og stor show lørdag kveld på kulturhuset Dieselverkstaden.
Det kjente og kjære Dieselverkstaden i Sickla - vi tok taxi fra hotellet dit, (følte ikke for å ta bane/buss iført full scenesminke) men taxisjåføren visste ikke hvor det var. Han kom seg utover mot Sickla, et stykke utenfor sentrum av Stockholm, men så var han ganske lost, helt til Siri gjorde han oppmerksom på skiltene med Dieselverkstaden på. Burde vel egentlig fått litt rabatt på den turen vel?
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Foto av Layali Oriental Dance Festival |
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Foto av Eva Brännström |
Jeg klarte å mase meg til at vi skulle finne en pub og drikke en øl, hvilket de andre gikk med på - dog uten den heelt store entusiasmen.
Så bar det tilbake til hotell Norrtullen for sminkefjerning og bulgur-salat på rommet.
Bellystar Catherine
The weekend 28. - 30.th of october Bellystars - Siri Ydstie, Monica Eikenes, Margrete Røijen and Catherine Ydstie, went to Stockholm, to dance at Layali Oriental Dance Festival www.layali.se
This festivals big stars were Jillina from USA, Dud Muurmand from Denmark and Manca Pavli from Slovakia.
There were workshops the whole weekend (including Friday and Monday), Hafla in the studio on Friday evening with performances by students and teachers at Layali facility and a great show Saturday night at a theatre called Dieselverkstaden.
The not so well known theatre Dieselverkstaden in Sickla - we took a taxi from the hotel to get there (did not take rail / bus wearing full stage makeup), but the taxi driver did not know where it was. He came out towards Sickla, a bit outside the center of Stockholm, but he was quite lost, until Siri made him aware of the signs with Dieselverkstaden printed in big letters. Should we not really gotten a bit off the trip, right?
The show was marvellous (although it was far from sold out). Besides the superstars and us (Bellystars), Layalis own showgroup performed several dance numbers and different dance styles, Siri danced a solo and a group, named Enkidu from Gothenburg, danced several dances, amongst them an Iraqi dance - great rhythm and wonderful dance!
After the show there was giggling and chatter and changing backstage, and a television crew(think it was Iraqi TV) came to get an interview. Not with me, but I managed to stomp into the center front of the camera in the middle of one of the interviews (will probably be cut away).
Done with the changing, but still wearing full make-up, we waved goodbye to the others and walked out into the night in Sickla to take a taxi back to the hotel. Easier said than done! We soon discovered that this was a rural area with no taxi rank or vacant taxis nearby. After swearing loudly and walking along the road a busy taxi passed by. Siri memorized the number that was on the door and I rang up to get them to save us from the outskirts. On the phone I was greeted by a very rude man who claimed that he had to have a specific street address to send a taxi, even though I could tell which junction we found ourselves in, "precisely next to a roundabout." Having exchanged rudeness in our respective languages we both hung up still cursing in our respective languages. But surprise, surprise - a taxi came after ten minutes and brought us back to civilization.
I managed to persuade the others that we should find a pub and drink a beer, to which they agreed - but without enthusiasm.
Afterwards we went back to the hotel Norrtull for makeup removal and bulgur salad eating in the room.
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